Earlier this year I surveyed my tribe and asked them what they wanted and needed to get out there.
We got the responses and went into the lab and figured out the best way to serve, share and create a simplistic yet effective solution.
The result... my ReadySetGoSpeak.com community. It’s like a club - where you have access to me and everything PR, branding and marketing related for speaker success.
You'll get access to me bi-weekly and media experts in a private forum - so you can pitch your stories, get real time feedback - and possibly booked on on the spot.
You Ready? Join us and make sure you are, go to
www.readysetgospeak.com God bless,
Pam Perry
P.S. If you haven’t watched my free media training video, you can watch it there.
Watch the behind the scenes reveal now ==> here:
Posted By: Pam Perry
Saturday, October 31st 2020 at 5:04PM
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