Hi Tyler Perry and the fan club members. My name is Ingrid Frederick, my new address is 2200 west barker Rd apt # 416 Baytown TX 77521, My phone # is 281-917-3207.
The reason why I was off the fan page, because I had to care for my sick mom.
My mom died on July 3, 2015 and buried August 1, 2015, it hit me real hard, I am
Still trying to get over my mom dead, But I keep on having memory flash back.
Hi Tyler Perry and the fan club member if anyone have any question or comment
Please feel free to call me at 281-917-3207 anytime my name is Ingrid
I am planning to open up my own business, here are the following homes
1. Home for the elderly
2. Orphanage for children
3. Homeless Shelter
The reason why because all of these home play a part once upon a time in
My life. The home for the elderly remain me of my grandmother, and also I Believe
That the elderly are not being care for how they should. From my nursing experience
Care for children, as a child my childhood was not the best no child should have to go to bed hungry and feel cast out children should be happy at all time and should not have to take on mom and dad responsibilities. As a daycare and preschool teacher I help parents and grandmothers for they young children today I have15 God children. Growing up in my neighborhood I was one of the older child so all of my neighbors will ask my mother to let me care for the children, Button line I did not had a childhood, but one thing I can say all the children I care for still keep in touch with me.
The homeless Shelter reminds me of when I was homeless and pregnancy no one should me homeless and do not know where their next meal is coming from.
My birthday is next month Dec I was planning to celebrate my birthday from the 4-6
Between the ATL or L.A IN One of the best hotel suite decorated with candles and balloon
In many different colors and a small birthday cake alone with some champagne.
I also did save up some money to get me a 2016 luxery car. My planes went out the window
Because all my saving went to burying my mom. I was planning to enjoy my birthday all by myself because I do not have a boyfriend.
Posted By: Ingrid Frederick
Tuesday, November 3rd 2015 at 8:36PM
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