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Power and Purpose: GRATEFUL POWER (8879 hits)

The most spiritual and uplifting quality is living the attitude of gratitude. No matter who, where and when you are, the fact that you’re still here, means that you have at least one thing you can be grateful about in your life right now. Not talking about settling for what you have, but acknowledging it, appreciating its’ presence, knowing that there are good things in your life, will help you attract even more.

Like attracts like. It can happen out there inwards, it can also start immediately inwards out. Your mind makes a difference, and if millionaires can be depressed, and POWs be cheerful, you have enough power to direct your inner state, irrespective of what you think must make you feel any way.

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Posted By: Minister Celeste Kelley
Thursday, April 14th 2011 at 4:40PM
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